Intelex Insight

Empower your business with BI!

Let's navigate the data journey

Tailored Services for You

What can we do for you? We gather existing data from various data sources (e.g. accounting software, cash register or warehouse system, Excel spreadsheets, etc.) and create automatically updated reports from them. You don't have to manually fill in Excel, you save time and have a better overview of the company's and departments' performance on a daily basis.



AS Eesti Raudtee

Tallinn University of Technology

Skeleton Technologies


Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium




Coop Põlva

Tallinna Sadam


AS Kalev



Rakvere EE

Saarioinen Eesti OÜ

Maks & Moorits

Keskkonnainvesteeringute keskus

Eesti kaitsevägi

• Hanza • AS Eesti Raudtee • Tallinn University of Technology • Skeleton Technologies • Nordica • Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium • Kodupaber • Omniva • TEHIK • Coop Põlva • Tallinna Sadam • Sotsiaalkindlustusamet • AS Kalev • Fujitsu • Tervisekassa • Rakvere EE • Saarioinen Eesti OÜ • Maks & Moorits • Keskkonnainvesteeringute keskus • Eesti kaitsevägi

Meet our team

Our team is built around 21 field experts with no less than 5-years of industry experience. Our Microsoft-certified architects and developers have a minimum of 5 years of experience in business analytics and data analysis. Thanks to our multinational team, we are able to deliver projects in Estonian, Russian, English and Finnish.

Ready-to-use solutions for you

We have ready-to-use solutions for finance managers and sales teams that make it easy to work with data on a daily basis. We've created a solution for businesses to analyse online usability and open data, so you can get a quick insight into what customers are actually doing on your website.


BI solutions

Get answers to your questions: by using business analytics tools, you can get your business data in order and get a clear picture of what's happening. Applying AI allows a glimpse into the future.

Need more details?

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email, or via our social media channels.

Visit Us

Our address
Intelex Insight OÜ
Vabriku 6/Valgevase 13 10414, Tallinn, Estonia
Reg code: 12375357
VAT ID: EE101590215

Contact Us​
(+372) 5293047