Automation of Reports and Statements

Automating data processes is our daily goal. We reduce manual work, bring data generated in the enterprise to the employees, enable data-driven decision making. We automate work that is currently done manually in Excel spreadsheets.

The benefits of business analysis

  • Real-time overview

    Automated reporting provides real-time insight into critical business processes. Allows you to react to changes immediately instead of dealing with the consequences later.

  • Better management decisions

    Easily available data allows informed management decisions.


  • Always the correct information

    A human can make mistakes, a machine works according to agreed rules. Trust in data ensures a successful journey towards data-driven decision making.

  • Information sharing and cooperation

    Modern BI tools allow you to share the information you need securely and quickly. Eliminate the need to bounce around large reports in Excel.

  • Effective time management

    The work process is automated, meaning that the organisation's staff no longer have to manually compile large Excel reports and can focus on finding value in the data instead of compiling it.

  • Personalised reporting

    Today's business analytics solutions allow each user to keep track of the information that matters to them, without too much noise.

Why automate your reporting process?

Data-driven decisions

Kuigi erinevad ERPid jt tarkvaralahendused leiavad järjest rohkem kasutust, toimub organisatsiooni tegevusest ülevaate saamine tihtipeale ikkagi vanas heas Excelis. Kopeeritakse andmeid ühest ja teisest süsteemist Excelisse ning peale numbrimaagiat tulevad sealt välja ettevõtete jaoks olulised trendid, KPId ja mõõdikud.

Millised andmed on töötajatele ja juhtidele igapäevaotsuste tegemiseks olulised ning vajalikud? Kui tihti peaksid aruanded uuenema? Kuna käsitsi töö kulutab aega, uuendatakse traditsiooniliste töömeetodite korral olulisi aruandeid harva (nt kord nädalas või kord kuus). Keerukamad arvutusprotsessid jäetakse aga üldse tegemata, sest see võib olla liialt ajamahukas.

Andmepõhine otsustusprotsess algab lihtsasti kättesaadavatest ja automaatselt uuenevatest aruannetest. Vastavalt vajadusele tavaliselt 1-3 korda päevas ja isegi reaalaajas uuenevad aruanded võimaldavad organisatsiooni töötajatel ja juhtidel võtta just neile vajalikul hetkel ette informatsiooni, mida on vaja õige otsuse tegemiseks. Õige kõhutunne on vajalik tööriist, aga inimvõimetel on piirid ning pikas perspektiivis tagab kvaliteetne andmepõhine otsustusprotsess parema tulemuse kui intuitsioon.

Manual "excel-magic" downsizing

Although ERPs and other software solutions are becoming more and more common, the overview of an organisation's activities is often still done in good old Excel. Data is copied from one system to another, various calculations and other "magic" are performed, and finally the files are distributed to the company's employees via e-mail.

A couple of hours later, when the first error is detected, a "report_v2" is sent out, and so on.

The result is unreliable data, a lot of time spent compiling reports, and the risk that if complex Excel breaks and the only person who understands it is on holiday, there is no-one to fix it.

Nowadays, virtually the entire process of doing things in Excel can be automated. In a business analytics solution, the processes of data movement, transformations and calculations are described once and then the work starts automatically.

Automatically updated reports and statements

Automation is a one-off activity in the reporting process, during which our specialists set up the data flow from the source, the subsequent data processing and help you create the right reports that will be automatically updated. For example, open the corresponding report on your phone or computer to see the latest information on your company's performance. Whether it's important KPIs such as the percentage of defects in production, an overview of debtors (overdue invoices), next-day work schedules according to orders, etc.

The end result is that people who used to spend a significant amount of their time compiling reports and sending them out can now focus on extracting value from the data: identifying anomalies, mitigating risks, better planning, and more.

The benefits of automation:

  • automatically updated data that is always and instantly available.

  • better access to data

  • more detailed analysis and in-depth analysis allow questions to be answered immediately.

  • less "silly" work and more meaningful analysis.

  • competitive advantage through data-driven decisions.

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • Most of our clients use Microsoft's business analytics platform, and according to the client's needs, this generally means:

    -> Azure cloud services

    -> MS SQL Server with SSIS and SSAS services.

    -> on-premise solutions with Power BI Report Server

    -> Microsoft Power BI business analytics platform for data visualization.

    As our solutions are designed according to industry best practices, they can be made compatible with other BI platforms, for example, we have customers using Power BI and Tableau in parallel, as well as Power BI and QlikSense.

    But Microsoft's comprehensive analytics platform is rated the best in the world (see for example Gartner's Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms analysis). As it is also better priced than other platforms, we have generally concentrated on Power BI-based solutions.

  • We've done so many different business analytics solutions that we have a pretty good idea of how much work needs to be done to create different solutions. First, you need to describe the data source (input data) and the desired end result (output). From this, we can give a pretty accurate volume estimate.

    For more complex solutions, it is sometimes wise to do a little analysis and identify the key nuances, but we will approach this as appropriate.

  • Our main technology partner is Microsoft, so we recommend using Microsoft SQL as the data warehouse platform. This can be deployed through cloud technology from Microsoft Azure solutions or through classic MS SQL Server. In addition, we have also developed data warehouses on PostgreSQL and Vertica platforms.

  • It is possible to import data from virtually any digital data source, including Excel spreadsheets. To do this, the Excel file must be available for the data warehouse query, either in a shared directory or in the cloud.

    If possible, we recommend using a medium other than an Excel spreadsheet as a data source. The main risk with Excel is the potential errors that can occur when modifying the data, as Excel does not usually have any data quality rules.

    Nevertheless, Excel spreadsheets are sometimes a necessary source of information to ensure the integrity of the data in the data warehouse.