This Privacy Policy explains what personal information Intelex Insight OÜ ("Intelex Insight" or "us") collects about its web visitors and customers, what it is used for and who has access to it.

The controller of the personal data is Intelex Insight OÜ.

The protection of personal data is very important to us and we take it very seriously. Intelex Insight's key employees have been trained in the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and our development principles are also based on privacy by design and default and best information security practices.

Our activities are in compliance with all relevant activities and the relevant European Union legislation and the laws of the Republic of Estonia. In processing personal data, we are guided by the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council ("GDPR") and the Estonian Personal Data Protection Act.

Our contact details are:

Intelex Insight OÜ.

Intelect Insight Insight.Intelect Intelect Insight

registration code: 12375357

e-mail address:

phone: +372 5293 047

Data Protection Officer or DPO contact:

Your rights as a data subject

As a data subject, you have:

  • The right of access to personal data about you,

  • As a data subject, you have the right to be informed about your personal data and to have it rectified,

  • The right to have your personal data rectified, the right to have your personal data corrected, the right to have your personal data erased,

  • the right to have personal data relating to you deleted,

  • the right to the transfer of personal data,

  • the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing,

  • the right to withdraw your consent.

Purpose and legal basis of the processing

We process personal data for the day-to-day operations of our business on the basis of a legitimate interest to provide products or services that are of interest to you, that help you and that complement the solutions we already offer.

We may process data to:

  • to complement, personalise and measure the results of our marketing activities.

  • to personalise and enhance the user experience of the website.

  • respond to various requests

  • for recruitment activities,

  • organising customer events (e.g. sending invitations and reminders).

During the recruitment process, we will review your CV and/or LinkedIn profile. We will only use the contact details there to contact the candidate. We do not use automated decision making or profiling software in the recruitment process.

If Intelex Insight provides a service to you or your company, or if you send us an enquiry via the contact form on the website, we will also process personal data which will involve sharing personal data with you.

We process customer data for the preparation, conclusion and performance of customer contracts and offers. Therefore, we may process personal data such as names, contact details and job titles of company representatives.

We will keep the personal data collected from enquiries for as long as the signed customer contract is in force. If a customer contract was not signed, the personal data will be stored for statistical purposes only and for a limited period of time. We have a legitimate interest (GDPR Art 6(1)(f)) to send marketing communications (such as invitations to customer events) to our customers in order to maintain a business relationship with them. For accounting purposes, we store the necessary data in accordance with applicable law.

We use a customer management system to maintain sales contacts, where data security is guaranteed. Access to the customer management system is restricted to the company's management and sales staff. You can read more about our customer relationship management system and its privacy policy at

The legal basis for such processing of personal data is the processing of personal data for the performance of a contract entered into with the data subject or for the introduction of pre-contractual measures at the request of the data subject (GDPR Art 6(1)(b)).

Protection and storage of personal data

We have various types of technical and organisational security measures in place to protect personal data and prevent misuse.

Overview of cookies used on the website

Like most companies, we collect data about the traffic to our websites and and use browser cookies to measure usage statistics that help us analyze the user experience of our online channels.

Today, cookies are used on virtually all websites.

Nowadays, cookies are used on virtually all websites. They are small files that are stored on your computer and give the service provider information about what to do to improve your user experience.

They do not store any personal data and the information is anonymous. We recommend that you keep cookies active, as turning them off may degrade your browsing experience.

The purpose of using cookies is to provide visitors with the best possible user experience, to enhance the website and to show visitors advertisements of potential interest to them.

We may use cookies:

  • to remember the language selection of the website

  • to analyse the user experience of the website.

  • A/B testing and various usability experiments.

  • remarketing

  • to analyse trends and demographics of visitors to your website (no individual profiles are created).

  • The cookies we use are categorised as follows

  • Cookies necessary for the functioning of the website are cookies without which the website cannot be used conveniently.

Performance cookies. Like most companies, we use Google Analytics to help us understand which sections of our website meet users' expectations and which do not. We look at how long visitors stay on our website and which content pages are of most interest. Google Analytics does not allow us to identify individual users as the information is anonymous. You can read more about this on the Google Analytics website.

You can opt out of the collection of data through Google Analytics at any time. More detailed instructions are available at

From time to time, we will test new features and make minor changes to our website. These cookies are necessary so that our website displays correctly and we know whether an update worked well or not (e.g. through A/B testing).

Advertising cookies allow us to show visitors the ads that interest them. For example, we may use Google AdWords to show potentially interesting ads to our visitors for a limited period of time. As a result, you may notice our ads on various Google services and on other websites. You can read more about AdWords at

For social media, we use the solutions provided by Facebook and LinkedIn, which means that you may notice our calls/ads on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. You can read about Facebook at and LinkedIn at

How to opt out of cookies completely

For cookies, it's generally wiser to leave them turned on, as they can lead to a poor website experience when turned off, but you can turn them off completely if you prefer. As the ways to turn off cookies differ from browser to browser, you can find more detailed instructions on how to do this in the help section of your browser.

Subscribing to and unsubscribing from newsletters:

We only send newsletters to people who have subscribed to them, which means that you need to give your consent to receive them. To unsubscribe from newsletters, click on the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the newsletter. Once you have unsubscribed from our newsletter, you will no longer receive them. If the unsubscribe was a mistake and you still wish to receive the newsletter, you can re-subscribe.

Opt-out of cookies

Server logs

The server that hosts our websites and may record queries you make to the server (web address you open, browser and device used, IP address, access time, etc.). These data are used solely and exclusively for technical purposes, i.e. to ensure the proper functioning and security of the website and to investigate possible security incidents.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We hope the above information was helpful. If you are still confused and would like to receive more information, please contact us and we will respond as soon as possible.

Intelex Insight's Data Protection Officer (DPO) and GDPR consultant for our clients is Kaur Kivirähk, who can be contacted:

telephone +372 5293 047

Data Protection Officer or DPO contact:

Together we're better - write to us